Course Content
Unconscious Bias is often a quick and inaccurate judgement based on limited facts and our own life experiences.
Everyone is Biased
How Biases Are Formed?
What does this mean to me?
Think of those colleagues you feel comfortable around and work well with.
Examine your Own Assumptions
Bias operates on quick judgements and making assumptions and by examining them more deeply is a good way to counter bias.
Bias Can Come In Many Forms
Take a moment to think about a huge range of things that people might make assumptions about.
Affinity Bias
Affinity bias is the inclination to favour people who are like us in some shape or form.
Asking Questions
Asking questions is a great way to undermine assumptions based on bias.
Reducing Stressful Situations
Remember that bias is a shortcut our brains use to come to rapid conclusions.
Building an Inclusive Culture
What does an inclusive culture look like?
Appreciate Everyones Contribution
An inclusive company creates an environment where all colleagues have an opportunity to add value.
Take Action
Why not give yourself 15 minutes to gain an insight into your own potential unconscious biases.

    Asking questions is a great way to undermine assumptions based on bias and it shows people you value them enough to want their input:

    • Ask colleagues for feedback.
    • Ask colleagues how you can work together more effectively.
    • Ask colleagues when you arent sure what their thoughts, feelings or motivations are.
    • Ask yourself what assumptions you have made and examine whether they are valid.
    Unconscious Bias